Watch the video to look inside the training + My Helpful Bonuses

What Do You Get?
RHIMS 6.0 is the sixth in JayKay Dowdall's RHIMS series (Really Helpful Internet Marketing Stuff). In this edition of RHIMS, students will discover how to leverage a beginner-friendly affiliate marketing strategy called order-jacking.
Order-Jacking is an affiliate marketing strategy where affiliates only target the traffic that has the highest purchase-intent for their offer. Instead of targeting colder traffic that's trying to research a problem, order-jacking only puts the affiliate link in front of visitors who are looking to purchase that specific offer.
There is no email marketing, no video marketing, no blogging, or social media. There is no branding from the affiliate at all. This "hidden figure" style of affiliate marketing is entirely focused on one thing: Sales.
*Price will increase after 16th December.


UPSELL #1: Advanced Conversion Tracking Lesson
Advanced conversion tracking is necessary for all affiliate marketers to learn at some point in their journey. Knowing which landing pages, ads, keywords, etc. are turning into sales is the most vital piece of information for any affiliate marketing campaign. This advanced conversion tracking lesson is for marketers who are serious about becoming full-time affiliate marketers. They will learn how to apply conversion tracking to any affiliate marketing campaign.

UPSELL #2: Inboxxr - $1 Trial (7 Days) & Then $29.95/Month
Inboxxr is JayKay's premium email marketing membership that includes advanced training on how to leverage email lists to sell more, grow more, and become a more successful marketer. Not specific to only affiliate marketers, the lessons inside Inboxxr apply to anyone who wants to sell their own courses, etc. Inboxxr costs $29.95/mo to join, but this offer gives students 7-day total access for just $1.

UPSELL #3: RHIMS Bundle - $97 One Time
Get the entire bundle of RHIMS 1-5 for just $97 (normally $47 each). Students from the entire RHIMS series will discover how to make their first 100 sales, how to create a path to conversion, how to leverage the affiliate toolkit for lead capture, how to use email marketing to add more sales to their campaigns, and how to use Microsoft ads as an evergreen traffic source. Save $138 instead of paying for each edition ala carte.
RHIMS 1 - Teaches you Bing Ads
RHIMS 2 - Shows You How To Sell 100 Copies Of Any Affiliate Offer
RHIMS 3 - Shows You The Ins & Outs of The Conversion from Leads To Sales
RHIMS 4 - Gets You The Whole Affiliate Toolkit & Workbook To Stay Focused
RHIMS 5 - How to create a successful and profitable launch-jacking campaign.
All in all, an epic deal here! Highly Recommended!
Exclusive RHIMS 6.0 Bonuses:

This checklist will guarantee you see all of the content in the correct order, and know when to complete each task that helps get your campaign built.
If you follow this checklist you WILL have your first order-jacking campaign live and receiving laser-targeted traffic!
This checklist included for FREE during this limited time!

Battle-tested and millions of dollars sold, these offers are absolute conversion machines. Combine these offers with the order-jacking strategy and you’ll see sales flooding into your account.
This exclusive list of offers is only available to members of the RHIMS 6.0
We’ve done all the work for you! If you outsourced this, it could cost $25 or more - it’s yours free!

Many students consider this to be one of the most valuable case study trainings I’ve ever done. I took them over-the-shoulder and showed them absolutely everything as I ran up a $1,500 campaign (which later turned into over $5,000 in total sales after the case study).
This case study is my free gift to you when you join RHIMS 6.0. This case study was a $67 entrance fee before, and it’s yours today for free!

These workbooks have become such a lifesaver for me. I had to repeat so many simple tasks when setting up my order-jacking campaigns, I started using simple workbooks to help me create my campaigns in a simple PDF document and then just copy/paste the info into my campaign.
Now you can get all of my workbooks (updated for RHIMS 6.0) included when you join the members area. Get all of the workbooks included for free with your purchase of RHIMS 6.0.
These workbooks are a $47 value included for free!

I'll give you my personal support Or I will create custom videos for you if you are stuck with something in Rhims 6.0.
Buy RHIMS 6 --> Watch it --> Get on a call with Jaykay to discuss everything and set your campaign up --> after that, contact me if you need any help.
Contact here : abhi@profitnotch.com
I can honestly say this is one of the best training that I have ever come across.
I have personally spent thousands of dollars on trainings to try and make money online, and none of them came close to the quality and value for money you will get inside RHIMS 6.0.
RHIMS 6.0 Has A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. So, for you, it's...
100% Risk Free:
At any time in first 30 days after your purchase, if you decide that this training hasn’t helped you reach your highest expectations and helped set you on the road to your most profitable experience in affiliate marketing, just reach out using the support tool inside the members area or at the email address located on your receipt and you’ll be provided with a complete refund.
You Literally Have Nothing To Lose Here!
100% Risk-Free: take a look with your own two eyes and uncover this blueprint.

You'll be able to get your bonuses (my contact details) instantly after purchasing the product. Click the "Access Affiliate Bonus" button to get access to above mentioned bonuses. (Refer to image below)

Note: If you have trouble accessing your bonuses or have any other trouble, please email me at abhi@profitnotch.com and I'll take care of it. :)
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