What Is Passive Income?
Hey, I’m Abhijith Nair (just call me Abhi), and I’m here to help you make more money and generate passive income. And we are going to create this passive income with affiliate marketing. Before we dig into affiliate marketing, I want to explain what does “passive income” really means, and is it even possible?
There are lots of definitions of passive income – you know the traditional ways like investing in real estate or stocks – but we’re not here for that.
The best form of passive income – and what I focus here at ProfitNotch – is the following:
At ProfitNotch, I teach you how to build an online business that takes advantage of systems and automation that allows you to generate revenue and grow it without requiring to be there all the time.
In other words, no more trading time for money.
Instead, we work hard now and invest our time now, creating valuable content/products/experiences that serve others, because that’s really all a good business does – it helps other people solve their problems.
There are a lot of ways where you can go and generate passive income for yourself, but what I do and what works best for me is affiliate marketing. (If you don’t know what it is, I’ll explain about it in a minute)
People think that affiliate marketing is just a hobby or a way to make some cash but it’s far from truth. You can build a whole business around this simple affiliate marketing model and treat it like a business – automate it – reap the rewards.
The barrier to entry to starting an affiliate marketing is much lower compared to other businesses – and if done correctly, it’s a passive income machine which is very generous.
Here’s a video that shows you the basics of affiliate marketing:
Before we go ahead and dig deep about passive income, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel here where I share very valuable content about affiliate marketing and building a solid online business in general.
What Passive Income is NOT
Before we dig deep into it, let’s bust some myths out there and set realistic expectations.
1. Generating passive income is NOT easy and it takes a lot of hard work. Nothing in life comes easy. Making money online is no different. Some “gurus” or “experts” will try to persuade you to think otherwise. Why? Because they are trying to make money from false hopes.
There are many products out there that claim to help you make money effortlessly with some magical software or some loopholes. Because of these claims, people tend to buy all these new “shiny” products that promised them to make them thousands of dollars – to know it’s all a lie. Ultimately, people just think making money online is a scam.
I’m here to tell you the truth: Online business is hard. I’ll do my best to guide you and give you the information you need, but I can’t force you to take action as that’s totally up to you
2. Generating passive income does NOT happen overnight. I don’t teach or believe in get-rich-quick schemes. It took a lot of time for me to finally make my first dollar and took some more time and hard work before it was generating the income that was supporting my family. Don’t get me wrong; Online business is simple but not easy. If I, an average 27-year-old from a middle-class family in India can do it, then you can do it too.
3. Generating passive income is NOT impossible. Passive income was just a dream for me. Truth is I am a dropout from college and never got a degree – so never even tried for a job. Instead, I tried to figure out how to make money online and how to make it worthwhile by generating passive income. I am not a big guru or anything, but eventually, I understood how to help others to achieve this lifestyle of staying at home and making a whole lot more than the average job. This lifestyle is awesome, and I want you to experience it too. This is why I created ProfitNotch.
Essentials For Online Business #1
A website is the first essential you need for any profitable business online – this enables you to generate passive income whether you are doing affiliate marketing or any other type of business online.
There are few free options out there like Blogger, Tumblr, Weebly, WordPress.com. Those are some good options but I don’t recommend that for few reasons:
- When you use a free service like theirs, the name of your website will always be an “extra” extension of their domain. For example, if I created PN (profitnotch), on Weebly, the web address would look like https://profitnotch.weebly.com instead of https://www.profitnotch.com.
- You will have only a few options for the customization of your website – design, functionality, and revenue. For example, if you use a free WordPress.com website, you’ll only have the option to install limited plugins and you aren’t even allowed to advertise.
- When you build your business on someone else’s platform, if they make any changes, it will forcibly affect your business as well. For example, if Weebly closed tomorrow, you would lose your business entirely.
These 3 reasons are exactly why I recommend going with a self-hosted website. You will have more control plus it’ll look more professional, and you can truly call it your own.
This website is currently running on Hostinger. I’ve used some other hostings before coming to Hostinger and had one problem or other with them. Since I moved to Hostinger, never faced a single problem and I recommend them to everyone. I absolutely love their customer support and reliability. [Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.]
They are not only one of the best web host out there but also the most affordable host with premium features and services. You can get started now at $0.99/month, which is a great deal and this is why I am recommending this for your first website.
Essentials For Online Business #2
Any guesses?
Well, it’s simply the list of people who are your customers or the prospects – i.e your email list.
Building your email list is the most important thing you can do to grow your online business. Having an email list allows you to build a true passive income. If you haven’t been building your list, then I am not sure what you are doing online?
It’s true for even the traditional businesses, they have the list of their customers and they reach out to people who might be a good fit for their business. It’s the same here online – but just with more control and the ability to automate the whole thing of providing information to closing them as your customers/sales. It lets you build a relationship with your potential customers in an intimate manner. If you provide value to your subscribers even though they are not your customers, they’ll most likely become one soon as they will start to know and trust you. Trust is the most important factor for any business and email marketing allows you to do that.
I’ve been earning money online for quite some time now but didn’t start on building my email list until recently. It’s crazy that I didn’t do it before!
I’ve lost all my daily income to zero one day because the platform where I build my business went down. I had to start from scratch – it was a very expensive lesson and I really hope you’ll build your own email list
The Best Email Marketing Company I Use And Trust
I’ve been using Getresponse since the beginning and never looked back. There are really a ton of features which you can use to store and build relationships with your subscribers. You’ll be able to automate almost everything with them.[Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.]
And the best thing I love about Getresponse is their world-class 24-hour live support. You can chat with them or even call them if you run into any technical difficulties.
They are the most affordable and the best email marketing platform starting at $15/month with a 30-day free trial.
My Free, Exclusive Email Content
Before you go ahead and start your affiliate marketing business, I’d love to share with you my experiences, insights and guidance about starting affiliate marketing the right way.
It’s important to start by focusing on what’s right so that you get the best results in as little time as possible. Get immediate access now by clicking the button below. I can’t wait to help you get started.